EIT Health

With support of innovations the EIT Health provides solutions, which enable European citizens to live longer and healthier. It all happens by connecting the right people and bringing right topics across European borders to innovate based on research, education and business – all for the benefits of citizens.

EIT Health focuses on the 3 main objectives:

  1. Healthcare systems strengthening in Europe. It is the EIT Health’s interest to contribute to stronger health ecosystem in Europe. We are working on ways how to overcome fragmentation, address broad challenges, increase efficiency, and break down barriers. By combining research, education, and businesses our effort leads to help the healthcare grow and evolve.
  2. Promoting better health of citizens. European citizens and patients are at the center of EIT Health interest. Innovative healthcare solutions aim to transform health outcomes. We seek to promote healthy living and active ageing through EIT Health products, knowledge sharing and educational activities.
  3. Contributing to a sustainable health economy in Europe. EIT Health wants to create a fruitful environment for its growth and innovations because health innovations and entrepreneurship ultimately thrive in health economy and citizens. By bringing new ideas to the market, EIT Health also helps create new jobs.

Our primary role as an EIT Hub is to ensure visibility of EIT Community and raise awareness of activities and cooperation opportunities for local players representing education, business and research areas. We also liaise with the relevant national, regional and local authorities and facilitate sharing of EIT Innovation Community expertise with them.

Opportunities for you

At this time, EIT Health accepts applications to the following programs:

  • StarShip Program is an educational initiative in collaboration with leading European academic and health industrial partners. For more information go to https://www.starship.eithealth.eu/ and apply until January 31st, 2021.
  • Wild Card program builds-up two new ventures which push the boundaries and deal with some of European healthcare greatest challenges. They attract the brightest talents, mentor founders‑to‑be and expect to invest up to €2 million in the two most promising ventures. Find more details at https://wildcard.eithealth.eu/ and apply until February 9th, 2021

Where to find more information about EIT and EIT Health?


EIT in the Slovak language https://eit.europa.eu/sk/in-your-language

